PICUM, the Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants, is a Brussels-based network of organisations that seeks to advance social justice and human rights for undocumented migrants, and to achieve improved pathways for regular migration to Europe. Grounded in principles of social justice, anti-racism and equality, PICUM brings together the experiences and expertise of its members, providing a platform to engage policy makers and the general public in the full realisation of undocumented migrants’ rights.
Founded in 2001 as an initiative of national-level organisations to mobilise support for undocumented migrants, today PICUM gathers a network of 160 civil society organisations in more than 30 countries. Based in Brussels, the PICUM secretariat leads the network’s advocacy, alliance-building, communications and research activities at the EU and international levels and supports PICUM’s broad and diverse membership.
Job description The Finance and Human Resources Officer will provide financial, administrative, project management and human resources support to the Finance Director, and to other members of the management team (Director and Deputy Director). This includes specific support in relation to a sub-granting program PICUM is currently running to support members’ national-level initiatives on labour rights for undocumented workers and workers with precarious residence status (running until end 2025).
Offer Possibility to work from home : 3 days Groepsverzekering Maaltijdcheques Individuele hospitalisatieverzekering Tussenkomst openbaar vervoer